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MCA 21

MCA21 is an e-Governance initiative of Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), Government of India that enables an easy and secure access of the MCA services to the corporate entities, professionals and citizens of India.


The MCA21 application is designed to fully automate all processes related to the proactive enforcement and compliance of the legal requirements under the Companies Act, 1956, New Companies Act, 2013 and Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008. This will help the business community to meet their statutory obligations.


The MCA21 application offers the following.

  1. Enables the business community to register a company and file statutory documents quickly and easily.
  2. Provides easy access of public documents
  3. Helps faster and effective resolution of public grievances
  4. Helps registration and verification of charges easily
  5. Ensures proactive and effective compliance with relevant laws and corporate governance
  6. Enables the MCA employees to deliver best of breed services

Services offered

  1. Obtain Digital Signature Certificate - The Information Technology Act, 2000 has provisions for use of Digital Signatures on the documents submitted in electronic form in order to ensure the security and authenticity of the documents filed electronically. This is secure and authentic way to submit a document electronically. As such, all filings done by the companies/LLPs under MCA21 e-Governance programme are required to be filed using Digital Signatures by the person authorised to sign the documents. To know more, click here.
  2. Apply for Director Identification Number (DIN) - The concept of a Director Identification Number (DIN) has been introduced for the first time with the insertion of Sections 266A to 266G of Companies (Amendment) Act, 2006. As such, all the existing and intending Directors have to obtain DIN within the prescribed time-frame as notified. To know more, click here.
  3. View master details of any company/LLP registered with Registrar of Companies - A facility has been made available to the general public to view master details of any company/LLP registered with Registrar of Companies. This facility may be availed by clicking “View Company Master Data”. A similar facility has also been made available in respect of the 'Register of Charges' for the companies/LLPs by clicking on to the 'View Index of Charges' and for the viewing the details of the signatories of any company/LLP by clicking on ‘View Signatory Details’. To know more, click here.
  4. e-Filing for Limited liability partnership (LLP) - In order to carry out e-Filing on LLP, a facility to download the eform and fill it in an offline mode is available. Every form has the facility to pre-fill the data available in LLP system. Once the e-form is filled, it has to be validated using Pre-scrutiny button. The relevant digital signatures have to be affixed and the form saved. A user has to be connected to the internet to carry out the pre-fill and pre-scrutiny functions. To know more, click here.
  5. LLP Services for Business User
  6. Registration of a new Company
  7. Raise complaint or concerns with respect to MCA services
  8. Document Related Services
  9. Fee and Payment Services
  10. Investor Services

MCA 3.0

During the fiscal 2021-22, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) launched data analytics driven MCA21 Version 3.0. This Version has additional modules for e-Adjudication, e-Consultation and Compliance Management. MCA21 system is the first Mission Mode e-Governance project of Government of India.

MCA21 V3 Project is a technology-driven forward looking project, envisioned to strengthen enforcement, promote Ease of Doing Business, enhance user experience, facilitate seamless integration and data exchange among Regulators. The project will have Micro-services architecture with high scalability and capabilities for advanced analytics.

Aligned with global best practices and aided by emerging technologies such as AI and ML, MCA21 V3 is envisioned to transform the corporate regulatory environment in India. The key components of MCA21 to be launched during Fiscal Year 2021-22 are:

  • e-Scrutiny: MCA is in process of setting up a Central Scrutiny Cell which will scrutinise certain Straight Through Process (STP) Forms filed by the corporates on the MCA21 registry and flag the companies for more in depth scrutiny.
  • e-adjudication: E-adjudication module, has been conceptualised to manage the increased volume of adjudication proceedings by Registrar of Companies (RoC) and Regional Directors (RD) and will facilitate end to end digitisation of the process of adjudication, for the ease of users. It will provide a platform for conducting online hearings with stakeholders and end to end adjudication electronically.
  • e-Consultation: To automate and enhance the current process of public consultation on proposed amendments and draft rules etc., e-consultation module of MCA21 v3 will provide an online platform wherein, proposed amendments/draft legislations will be posted on MCA’s website for external users/ comments and suggestions pertaining to the same in a structured digital format. Further, the system will also facilitate AI driven sentiment analysis, consolidation and categorization of stakeholders’ inputs and creation of reports on the basis thereof, for reference of MCA.
  • Compliance Management System (CMS): CMS will assist MCA in identifying non-compliant companies/LLPs, issuing e-notices to the said defaulting companies/LLPs, generating alerts for internal users of MCA. CMS will serve as a technology platform/solution for conducting rule based compliance checks and undertaking enforcement drives of MCA wherein e-notices will be issued by MCA for effective administration of corporates.
  • MCA Lab: As part of MCA21 V3, a MCA LAB is being set up, which will consist of corporate law experts. The primary function of MCA Lab will be to evaluate the effectiveness of Compliance Management System, e-consultation module, enforcement module, etc. and suggest enhancements to the same on an on-going basis. The Lab will help MCA in ensuring the correctness of results produced by these key modules in view of the dynamic corporate ecosystem.

Additionally, MCA21 V3 will have a cognitive chat bot enabled helpdesk, mobile apps, interactive user dashboards, enhanced user experience using UI/UX technologies, and seamless data dissemination through APIs. 

Source : Ministry of Corporate Affairs

చివరిసారిగా మార్పు చేయబడిన : 8/24/2022

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